Cora 5 months home

Cora 5 months home

CCCWA website status has changed

Our CCCWA website status has changed from “to be processed” to “in process”. Although the CCCWA has not yet posted our log-in date, this means that our dossier has been logged-in and has already been translated. We are usually notified of the log-in date first, then this status usually changes a few weeks later, but we are told this isn't the first time a family’s status has changed before the log-in date has been posted.

We will continue to follow up to find out our log-in date but this is good news! For now, we will start our 1-4 month wait for the Letter of Seeking Confirmation from this time but keep in mind that our log-in date may have actually been a few weeks ago. Since our status is “in process,” it means our dossier will now go to the review department and then it will be matched with Cora’s (Yan’s) file at which time they can issue the Letter of Seeking Confirmation. The Letter of Seeking Confirmation is the official approval from the CCCWA for us to adopt Shu, Yan.

We are now waiting for the packet that we talked to Lauren about previously. It will include forms and instructions for the next round of immigration paperwork (I-800,
I-864W, DS-230).

Once we have the Letter of Seeking Confirmation we are able to send Cora a care package that is from her Mama, Baba (Dad), and all of her brothers and sisters not from some “mysterious donation family”.

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