Cora 5 months home

Cora 5 months home

We received our Letter of Seeking Confirmation

The best birthday present ever! We received our Letter of Seeking Confirmation. Shawn's guess was for the Letter to be here on the 14th of February but when we think about the day the story started we remember it this way... "I asked his guess for a day the letter would be here because he is so close every time but he said he was not feeling like it was the right time and would let me know later. He returned later and said the 14th. I asked the 14th of what January or February and  he blurted out in a very undecided way February". We will leave it up to you to decide if he was right or not. Maybe under the pressure he blurted out the wrong month when I asked him to decide on one.  We know that we are doing the right thing because we can feel that we are being led down this road.

We were able to get it signed and returned via e mail so that Lauren can send out our I-800 paperwork today. 

The new timeline is:

       I -800 application returned in 3 to 7 weeks (Feb 4)
       Provisional Approval "Article 5" 6 weeks (March 18)
       Travel Notice 2 to 4 weeks (April 1)

We are getting very close to travel to Ningbo China and bring home our little girl!

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