Cora 5 months home

Cora 5 months home

The craziest thing happened

The craziest thing happened and we thought it was worth putting in the blog to remind us about this later but also so other parents look for the little "signs" that they are on track and following the plan that was placed for them. 

I was packing a gift for Grandma for Christmas. Among the items that was being packed was one of those fuzzy pictures we bought for the children to color over Christmas vacation to keep them busy and decorate the house. For some reason I felt that I needed to turn it over and look at the back. I was amazed to see that the picture had a stamp on it "Made in Ningbo, Zhejiang, China. I was very surprised to see this. We all are used to the "Made in China" stamps but never have I seen where in China. This is exactly where my little girl is right now!  I wounder what she was thinking about or what she was doing at that exact moment?

It is amazing the little reminders that our daughter is still very much a part of our life that help us feel connected to her even though she is so far away. In China there is a belief that when a child is born an invisible Red Thread connects the child's soul to all those people, present and future, who will play a part in that child's life. As each birthday passes those threads tighten and shorten bringing closer those people who are fated to be together. We are feeling closer to her everyday.

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